IRIS Steering Committee Representatives:
Enno Wiebe
Sabine Martin-Steigerwald
| ALSTOM | |
Marcus Schmid |
Markus Kleinheidt VICE-CHAIRMAN |
Jérôme Motheron |
Stephan Middelkamp |
Ander Terradillos
| CAF |
Stefan Siegler CHAIRMAN |
| |
María Ariante
Kevin Kröber
IRIS Unit team:
Rachid Irbah | IRIS General Manager |
Anne-Emmanuelle Baudrier | IRIS Technical Leader |
Anish Bawa | IRIS Technical Manager |
Alina Skidanova | IRIS Administrative Officer |
David Martinez | IRIS Control Manager |
Xiuluan | IRIS Witness / Calibration Auditor |
Victoria Enechojo John | IRIS Cost Controller |
Ursula Tacke | IRIS Senior Technical Support Manager |
Jesica Seijo | IRIS Development Manager |
IRIS Governing Structure
Role of the Steering Committee
- Monitoring the IRIS Unit
- Approval of Certification Bodies
- Admittance and removal of members
- Cooperation with other organization/associations
Appointment of IRIS Working Groups
The IRIS steering committee is the UNIFE working group responsible for IRIS Certification and decisions regarding operations, resources, contracts and financial budgeting.
Role of the IRIS Unit
- Release of IRIS information
- Implementing and promoting of IRIS System
- Setting up, administrate and maintaining of
- IRIS Web Site
- IRIS Database
- IRIS Audit Tool
- Contracting and monitoring Certification Bodies
- Organizing of IRIS training seminars and information sessions
- Managing the day-to-day operation and activities
- Administrates the distribution of the IRIS Certification® Conformity assessment:2020 and training material