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IRIS Certification® Audit-Tool Web Application
The IRIS Audit-Tool web application is the cloud-based solution for recording and evaluating audit data as well as for generating standardized reports of audits performed based on the ISO 22163:2023 standard. It is the only source for the IRIS Certification® rev.04 assessment sheet.
For rail companies, the IRIS Audit-Tool is the solution to prepare for the readiness review and perform internal audits and to do the gap analysis when starting.
For IRIS Certification approved certification bodies, the Audit-Tool is the mandatory application to perform and record IRIS Certification audits.
Main functionalities of the IRIS Certification® Audit-Tool Web Application
The Audit-Tool guides the user through the audit and assures that all requirements are covered and creates the audit documentation.
The new Audit-Tool is hardware independent. As the cloud based solution is accessible via an internet browser, it can work on various platforms. This provides a global availability, automatic saving and the fostering of a collaborative approach.
Some of the benefits are the following but not limited to having a more streamlined tool that has been frefreshed and much easier to use. No more update issues as it will now happen over the air (OTA), power of the web application and no dependence on your computers capacity as well as rapid and efficient support.
The Audit-Tool no longer supports the license name and license key ideology. It now favours the user credentials approach with a Software as a service (SaaS) approach. After purchasing of the Audit-Tool via the IRIS Portal, the user will receive an email confirming the purchase alongside a link to set the password.
The Audit-Tool web Application:
- Supports the audit planning with several detailed functionalities,
- Includes the readiness and data review phase,
- New assessment elements: enablers, performance assessment and customer perception,
- Easy collection of audit data through a user-friendly interface,
- Quick audit reports,
- Automatically calculates of the audit results by dynamic computation of all relevant items,
- Has simple exporting of partial and/or completed audits reports and related documentation (e.g. participants, auditors, Corrective and Improvement Actions list),
- An offline mode in case of planned and/or sudden loss of internet connection.
A live demonstration of the IRIS Audit-Tool Web Application and its key functionalities is available at the link: https://youtu.be/PLEWVd7M2t8.
Ordering the IRIS Certification® Audit-Tool Web Application for comapnies
Purchase price:
Ordering of the IRIS Certification® Audit-Tool:
For ordering a new license of the IRIS Audit-Tool, please log in, using the username/password of your company.
If your company is not registered in the IRIS Certification Portal, please click here to go to the registration form.
Ordering of the IRIS Certification® Audit-Tool Web Application for IRIS approved certification bodies
Please contact directly the IRIS Unit at info@iris-rail.org
If you are not registered in the IRIS Portal, please click